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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Garden Chronicles: April 3rd, 2012

Well it must have been a successful day in the garden:

The kids are exhausted and some are sleeping...check!

                                                         My feet are filthy...check!

                                                 I can't get the dirt out from under my nails...check!

                      And my neck is red...check

Sure, missed this feeling--it must be SPRING!

We got in some last minute 
egg dying!

Thank you Mr. Blake!

We made some more bean pole teepees!
We worked on the playgarden!

Someone wanted to continue their digging to the center of the Earth.

And we had some quiet time working with manipulatives.

 Sorry about missing last week, I have not missed 
getting together with our tribe in a long time.  
Fortunately the party continued without me and while
 I have even less pictures from last week than this week--always a wonderful sign that we are too busy to click pics--we 
can see the fruits of their labor growing strong.


I know it looks like we are having fun, want to join us?  
Email Melanie at melanie@alifeoflessons.com or 
click here for more details.

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