We have had such a productive year, we look forward to more adventures together.
Me at our quarterly meeting. |
My partner in crime...we facilltate our groups activities together. |
Want to join in the fun?
To learn more click here or keep an eye on the calendar and send us an email
so we can give you a proper welcome!
Early Learning Circle
Enrichment Circle
Wooden gods and goddesses from our Enrichment Circle's Greek Mythology study. |
Enrichment Circle Greek Mythology matching game. |
A night out with ASAW teens! |
One of our teens like challenging himself with projects. |
Our study of the History of Tea. |
We are continuing with our Enrichment Circle program with a few changes in schedule, please email us at melanie@alifeoflessons.com for updates.
Williamsburg Froebel Extension
Froebel Classes with Williamsburg Froebel Extension, Ms. Tiffeni brings us Froebel learning experiences. |
Our Field Trips
A day at Busch Gardens before it gets too hot. |
To Martin's grocery store. |
Take me out to the ball game!
| |
Our trip to the Nauticus Museum and Battleship Wisconsin.
Crafting and Fun
Our Valentine Craft Exchange
Decorating Eggs |
Origami and Watercolor Exploration
Lantern Making for Martinmas Celebration
River Light Cottage
(a sister program with a 3 day Waldorf learning experience)
Birthday Celebrations
Puppet Stories |
Summer Water Adventures
Lake Phoenix Snorkle Trip |
York River Beach |
Lots of Love and Friendship
What babies do while kids play! |
What mom's do while kids play! |
Halloween Journey with River Light Cottage
Our Martinmas Lantern Walk at the Canal
with River Light Cottage
Learning about Bees.....bzzzz!
I know we babble about "there is no bad weather just bad clothing choices" but sometimes enough is enough...and we go bowling!